by Iseki Iseki

The advantages of vacuum technology become increasingly apparent when dealing with certain problematic circumstances. The installation of sewage mains systems in arctic communities is one such situation. These remote communities require a versatile system and ease of installation is often of paramount importance making the system offered by Iseki Redivac ideal.

Furthermore vacuum technology can be used to tackle problems associated with the low temperatures experienced in Arctic communities. Iseki Redivac systems allow the transportation of relatively low flows of sewage from individual properties at high speed through small bore pipes to the vacuum collection station without the danger of the sewage freezing. In such situations, each property is fitted with an interface valve located in the bathroom.

Deering, Alaska is an example of the successful application of a vacuum sewage system in an arctic community. This small village consists of only fifty houses and a school and with no access by road; approach to the village has to be made by sea or air. This particular Iseki Redivac system consisted of foam insulated polyethylene pipes installed just above the permafrost. Glycol trace heating was installed to the foam to stop the pipes freezing at the winter temperatures of minus 50!